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Education and Events

Sharpen Your Skills and Advance Your Career

In-Person and Online Events and Courses Help You Advance Your Expertise as an English Language Teacher

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Professional Resources Catalog

Professional Resources Catalog Cover See the 2025 TESOL Professional Resources Catalog for the most recent publications and professional development offerings.


Gather with colleagues in person for conferences and workshops.

Join us for face-to-face learning and networking with thought leaders in the English language teaching field. 

Live Online

Participate in conferences and workshops online.

Learn online from anywhere in the world from experts in English language teaching. 

On-Demand and Facilitated

Take courses and certificate programs on your own or with guidance.

Develop leadership skills, improve core competencies, and stay abreast of the latest developments in the dynamic field of English language teaching and learning.



The field of TESOL is a complex, multifaceted, profession practiced in a wide variety of teaching and learning environments worldwide, ranging from positions that require a master’s degree or doctorate in TESOL and many years of experience, to those available to prospective teachers with shorter-term training in the field.

The TESOL Core Certificate Program is an online certificate program offered by TESOL International Association, organized on a pass (satisfactory—completion of all requirements) / no pass (unsatisfactory) basis, providing short-term training on the fundamentals of ELT for a diverse group of current or prospective teachers or administrators with limited formal training in the ELT field. It is not a certification program. In addition, classroom observation and practice teaching components are required to earn the TESOL Core Certificate.

All TESOL professionals should engage in ongoing professional development throughout their careers, as appropriate for the specific settings in which they teach or administer programs involving ELLs.

To register for a TESOL online course by fax or mail, download the registration form, then do the following:


Fax the completed registration form with payment information or the purchase order to TESOL at +1.703.836.7864.


Mail the completed registration form with a check payable to TESOL or the purchase order form to

TESOL International Association
1925 Ballenger Ave., Suite 550
Alexandria, VA 22314-6820 USA

If you have any questions, please contact

Read all the information at our Registration & Return Policy page before registering for a TESOL event or buying a TESOL product. Once a registration or payment is completed, you consent to abide by the policies outlined at this link, as well as TESOL’s code of conduct.

In registering for an event or purchasing a product, TESOL requires you to provide a certain amount of your personal data. Your privacy is very important to us. TESOL’s privacy policy specifically details what information we collect and how it is used.

Any questions about policies should be addressed to the appropriate department:

For most of our programs, space is limited. Register early! Registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

TESOL Online Course Participant Agreement

TESOL courses are asynchronous and you can log in at any time. Content is presented via weekly modules, each taking 10 or more hours to complete. All the materials you will need for the course are available on TESOL's online course platform. Cost for the materials is included in the registration fee. Course activities may include individual activities, critical reading, virtual classroom discussions, case studies, live chats, videos, group assignments, projects, and more. Our instructors will provide you with timely feedback. You will be evaluated on a pass/fail basis.

By registering for a TESOL Online Course I understand that:

  • Courses require a serious commitment and my daily attention. If I know that I will be traveling or not have internet access for a period of time during this program, I should take it at a different time during which I can commit to full participation.
  • I will spend at least 10 hours a week on each online course. More may be required depending on my understanding of the materials and the time it takes to read all postings and participate fully in the course.
  • I MUST read the introductory messages at the beginning of each module each time I log into the online course platform. I understand that the instructor posts essential and/or useful information that will help me throughout the course.
  • I will do my best to post all discussion responses and submit all assignments on time. If for some reason, I cannot submit an assignment on time, I will send the instructor a personal email at least 24-hours prior to the due date/time.
  • I may be given an opportunity to re-submit my work if the instructor feels this opportunity is warranted. However, re-submitted assignments will not receive full marks, and will not be accepted more than five days after the original due date.
  • I have the English language skills, specifically writing and reading comprehension, to actively contribute to online discussions in this course. I understand that this is an academic course, and that “text language” is not appropriate. I agree to carefully self-edit my writing prior to posting my assignments and discussion comments online.

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