TC accepts unsolicited article submissions from 1,000 to 1,400 words. Articles must not be published elsewhere, or else consent must already have been given for republication in TC.
We seek articles that
- are practical in nature and written for a general ELT audience. (Please keep in mind that this is a newsletter article and not a research article, though you are welcome to include resources and research recommendations at the end. Feature articles are limited to five [5] references.)
- highlight some features of ELT that play a role in the everyday classroom—if possible, on various levels.
- Incorporate important points that educators can take away and use.
- are about innovative, unusual, or interesting things you have found in your years of experience in ELT
- are about trends in ELT and how they might influence teaching (positively or negatively)
- include useful, tested classroom practice tips or strategies
You may embed tables and figures, but be prepared to provide jpgs if requested.
Review of TC articles is not blind. Please include a brief (50–75 word) biography of each author.