myTESOL is TESOL's member hub for worldwide peer-to-peer engagement. Collaborate, share, learn, and discuss! Download the new mobile app! And use myTESOL to build your professional network and join TESOL's Communities of Practice:
Jasper Roe et al. | 15 March 2025
Today, generative AI is inevitably a part of the educational landscape. This article presents a framework for English language teachers to harness AI's potential as a learning tool—while maintaining pedagogical integrity.
Joan Kang Shin, Polina Vinogradova | 15 March 2025
TESOL educators play a crucial role in equipping students with the skills to navigate our digital world. Learn how you can integrate multiliteracies and media awareness in your classroom.
Phyo Wai Tun | 15 March 2025
Meet the 2025 TESOL Teacher of the Year! In this interview, you'll learn about his path to teaching, his extensive work as an advocate for equity in teacher education and development, and his recent research on linguistic landscapes.
10 Tips for a Meaningful TESOL International Convention Experience
Are you headed to TESOL 2025 or any other professional conferences this year? Check out these 10 practical tips for making the most of your experience.
Anna Ciriani-Dean, Shélynn Riel
Supporting Every Learner: Digital Tools for Accessible ELT Classrooms
This article shares an index of specialized digital tools to support students with learning disabilities or other special needs. Learn how to integrate tech for inclusion.
Emma Nguyen
Skye Playsted | 15 November 2024
Confidence is often a major factor affecting our students' willingness to take risks, participate actively, and make mistakes during lessons that focus on oral skills. In this article, learn how to use model texts to scaffold your speaking activities and help your learners dive confidently into speaking tasks.
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