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Self-Reflection Worksheet for Older Elementary School Students

by Melissa Pavy |

A simple chart to help older elementary school students reflect on their achievement of class goals.

Resource Type: Assessment

Audience: Elementary, Secondary

Audience Language Proficiency: Beginner

Duration: 5 minutes


Grammar, Listening, Reading, Speaking, Vocabulary, and Writing assessment 

Type of Assessment Tool: This is a self-reflection tool with space to write down unit and lesson goals. Students can assess their performance and write reflective comments. Used regularly, this can be a helpful line of communication between students and teacher. 
Area to be Assessed: Grammar, Listening, Reading, Speaking, Vocabulary, Writing
Assessment Procedure:

Students write down the date and objective of each lesson. At the end of the class, they assess how well they met that goal. ​Have them use the rating scale of your choice (smileys, checks, letters).

The two blank columns are for other goals you may have set for English class, such as making eye contact while speaking or using only English during activities.

Finally, students write a brief reflection. They can write about what was difficult, what they enjoyed or learned, what they did well, etc. As students mature and get comfortable with these self-reflections, you might encourage them to write more thoughtful comments.

Useful Links: Here is a link to the google document where you can download and edit the worksheet ​according to your needs.

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