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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

by Susanna Fawkes |

This is a warm-up activity for a lesson on the environment. It can be adapted for different levels of language proficiency.

Resource Type: Activities

Audience: University, Adult, Secondary

Audience Language Proficiency: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Duration: 10 minutes

Materials And Technology:

Computer with Internet access or MP3 player with the recording; Projector with a screen; 3-5 bags with some recyclables, such as egg cartons, plastic containers for fruit/veggies, plastic water bottles, etc. A small prize,  such as a chocolate medal or recycling bag.


Listening, speaking, vocabulary, critical thinking.


Students will be ready for the lesson on the environment; they will get familiar with or understand better the concept of recycling; they will be able to share their ideas on the topic of recycling.

Activity Description:

  1. Play the song The Three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle on YouTube. 
  2. Dance with the students and sing the song with them.
  3. Ask students to guess what the topic of the lesson is.
  4. Put students in pairs or small groups and give each group a number.
  5. Give each group a bag with recycling items.
  6. Instruct students to create ideas for reusing the items.
  7. Tell students that the best idea will receive a prize.
  8. While students are working, put the group numbers on the board and draw columns for each group for keeping the score
  9. he groups take turns and share their ideas with the class. Other students take notes to decide whose idea is the best.
  10. After each group presents its idea, every student goes to the board and puts a check mark in the column of the group they have chosen. 
  11. Give the prize to the group with the highest number of check marks. 

For intermediate and advanced students, expand the activity into a discussion by asking such questions as:

  • What do you usually do with such stuff?
  • From now on, are you going to use any of these ideas? 
  • Is there a government recycling program in your country?

Vocabulary questions:

  • What similarity have you noticed in these three words reuse, reduce, recycle? 
  • What is the meaning of the prefix re-? 
  • What do we reduce when we recycle? 
  • Do you know other words with this prefix?

Supporting Files:
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.pdf

TESOL Interest Section: Adult Education, English as a Foreign Language, Higher Education, Intensive English Programs, Speech, Pronunciation and Listening, Video and Digital Media

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