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Engage with TESOL Quarterly

A Forum for Sharing

TESOL Quarterly (TQ), a professional, refereed journal, was first published in 1967. TQ encourages submission of previously unpublished articles on topics of significance to individuals concerned with English language teaching, learning, and policy. As a publication that represents a variety of cross-disciplinary interests, both theoretical and practical, the Quarterly invites manuscripts on a wide range of topics. Because TQ is committed to publishing manuscripts that bridge theory in our profession, it particularly welcomes submissions that address the implications and applications of research. TQ prefers that all submissions be written in a style that is accessible to a broad readership, including those individuals who may not be familiar with the subject matter. TQ is an international journal. It welcomes submissions from English language contexts around the world.

More TQ Information

Individual one-year online subscriptions to TESOL Quarterly are available to TESOL members only. Subscription costs vary by membership type.

TESOL Quarterly Online Subscription

(scholarly journal; 4 issues per year)

Individual Member


Global Professional


Retired Professional


Lower Income Professional


Student Member


New Professional


When you join or renew, you can add a subscription to your membership. Join today!

If you did not subscribe when you joined or renewed your membership, you can still subscribe. Log in to purchase a subscription!

Institutional subscriptions and individual articles are available for purchase to nonsubscribers through Wiley Blackwell.

For more information about TQ, please visit the Wiley Online Library.

Note: It takes about 24 hours to process your subscription. If you cannot access TQ online and you recently signed up, please try again later.

Missing an issue? Please contact TESOL Member Services. Note: TESOL is only able to process claims for issues less than six months past publication date.  

If you are not a member, please visit your university or institutional library. If they don't subscribe, please recommend TQ.

TQ accepts original manuscripts from researchers and other professionals working contexts around the world. You do not have to be a TESOL member to write for TQ.

For more information, please see the TQ Submissions Guidelines and the TQ Research Guidelines.

This information is provided for inquiries only. Please do not send manuscripts via email. For information on how to submit a manuscript, please see the TQ Submission Guidelines.

If you need help submitting a manuscript or navigating the submission system, please contact the managing editor, Bill Filios.

General Editors

TQ publishes a guest-edited special topic issue every September (Number 3). Topics are proposed by guest editors and chosen by the TQ Editorial Advisory Board. Most of the special topics issues are available for purchase. View a List of Special Topics.

Because TESOL Quarterly reports substantive findings and models research in the field, articles submitted for publication must meet high research standards. The guidelines below appear in TESOL Quarterly,  50(1), 130–153. Each set of guidelines explains the expectations for research articles within a particular tradition and provides references for additional guidance. 

Researchers may also wish to review the TESOL Research Agenda.

By examining subfields and foregrounding areas that require additional research, the Research Agenda Task Force (RATF) hopes to provide assistance with the field's collective research efforts, efforts that extend beyond sponsoring research symposia and other presentations at TESOL conferences.

  • TESOL Quarterly Research Guidelines

  • TESOL Quarterly Submission Guidelines
    This section contains detailed instructions for submitting articles to TESOL Quarterly.

  • Informed Consent Policy Statement and Release 
    TESOL expects authors of books or articles in our serial publications or contributors submitting chapters or units to any collective TESOL publication to adhere to ethical and legal standards for work with human subjects. Although TESOL is aware that such standards vary among institutions and countries, TESOL requires authors and contributors to meet, as a minimum, its Informed Consent Policy before submitting a manuscript for review.

TESOL expects authors of books or articles in our serial publications or contributors submitting chapters or units to any collective TESOL publication to adhere to ethical and legal standards for work with human subjects. Although TESOL is aware that such standards vary among institutions and countries, TESOL requires authors and contributors to meet, as a minimum, the conditions detailed below before submitting a manuscript for review. TESOL recognizes that some institutions may require research proposals to satisfy additional requirements.

Authors and contributors will be asked to sign this statement before TESOL will publish their work.

  1. You have followed the human subjects review procedure, if there is one, established by your institution, if you work for one.
  2. If you are not bound by an institutional review process, or if it does not meet the requirements outlined below, you must comply with the following conditions.

Participation in the Research

  1. You have informed participants in your study, sample, class, group, or program that you will be conducting research in which they will be the participants or that you would like to write about them for publication.
  2. You have given each participant a clear statement of the purpose of your research or the basic outline of what you would like to explore in writing, making it clear that research and writing are dynamic activities that may shift in focus as they occur.
  3. You have explained the procedure you will follow in the research project or the types of information you will be collecting for your writing.
  4. You have explained that participation is voluntary, that there is no penalty for refusing to participate, and that the participants may withdraw at any time without penalty.
  5. You have explained to participants if and how their confidentiality will be protected.
  6. You have given participants sufficient contact information that they can reach you for answers to questions regarding the research.
  7. You have explained to participants any foreseeable risks and discomforts involved in agreeing to cooperate (e.g., seeing work with errors in print).
  8. You have explained to participants any possible direct benefits of participating (e.g., receiving a copy of the article or chapter).
  9. You have obtained from each participant (or from a participant's parent or guardian) a signed consent form that sets out the terms of your agreement with the participants and have kept these forms on file (TESOL will not ask to see them).

Consent to Publish Student Work

  1. If you will be collecting samples of student work with the intention of publishing them, either anonymously or with attribution, you have made that clear to participants in writing.
  2. If the sample of student work (e.g., a signed drawing or signed piece of writing) will be published with the student's real name visible, you have obtained a signed consent form (use the attached Release Forms for Minors or Adults, as feasible) and will include that form when you submit your manuscript for review and editing.
  3. If your research or writing involves minors (persons under age 18), you have supplied and obtained signed separate informed consent forms from the parent or guardian and from the minor, if he or she is old enough to read, understand, and sign the form.
  4. If you are working with participants who do not speak English well or are intellectually disabled, you have written the consent forms in a language that the participant or participant's guardian can understand.

Print advertising is available quarterly in March, June, September and December. Digital advertising is available monthly. 

View the Media Kit

The TESOL Quarterly Editorial Board seeks proposals each year from prospective guest editors for the September special topic issues. Proposals are chosen by the Editorial Advisory Board, and the guest editor(s) are responsible for overseeing the manuscript review process and selecting the content of the issue.  

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