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TESOL can help you develop your leadership knowledge and skills. Learn how you can serve, grow, and lead in the field. Read more to find out about our current leadership opportunities.

Learn about TESOL councils and committees!

Board of Directors

TESOL is governed by an elected board of directors. All TESOL members in good standing are eligible to vote in the annual board of director's election.

The board meets frequently, face-to-face and/or virtually, to review progress on the association's strategic plan, discuss the budget, and conduct other association business.

To run for the TESOL board of directors, you must:

  • Have been an active member of TESOL for the past five 5 out of 6 years · by June 1 of the year for which your name will appear on the ballot.
  • Not have served on the board within the previous six (6) years
  • Not be a former president of TESOL
  • Not be a full- or part-time employee of TESOL International Association within the past three (3) years
  • Not be a member of the Nominating Committee at the time of the election

Directors serve on the TESOL board of directors. They have three core responsibilities:

  • Set the direction for the association: perform strategic thinking and planning, promote a positive public image, set mission and vision, establish organizational values, approve operational and annual plans
  • Ensure appropriate use of association resources: hire capable executive leadership, provide fiduciary responsibility
  • Provide oversight of the association: oversee financial management, minimize exposure to risk, measure progress on strategic plan, monitor programs and services, provide legal and moral oversight, evaluate the CEO, and perform self-evaluation.

Additional responsibilities include coordinating and leading various board workgroups and task forces, representing the association at various affiliate and professional events, advocating for TESOL members in their professional contexts, and responding to changes in the field.


  • Understand TESOL International Association's structure, policies, and culture (including its mission, vision, values, goals, current strategic plan, governance structure, role of staff and volunteers, programs and services)\
  • Understand the current TESOL field and its direction (including ELT profession in different contexts, threats/challenges in the ELT field for the association, authoritative literature on association leadership and governance, the association's role in advancing the field)

Leadership Experiences and Skills

  • Ability to inspire and empower others, including the recruitment and mentoring of new leaders
  • Use resources effectively to achieve set goals, including organizing tasks, delegating responsibilities that use people's skills efficiently, and directing other resources

Strategic Thinking & Decision Making

  • Ability to consider the big picture while being goal/future-oriented, not get caught in minutiae
  • Ability to process large amounts of information; synthesize and incorporate multiple viewpoints and perspectives
  • Ability to think independently and critically (including using research data, asking questions, challenging unsubstantiated information)
  • Ability to use logic and reasoning to identify issues as well as the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions, or approaches to problems
  • Ability to make informed decisions efficiently and take action when needed
  • Ability to be objective at all times about what is best for the whole of the association rather than what is best for a particular constituency
  • Ability to analyze reports of standing committees, task forces, etc. and comment on drafts of publications and other documents as appropriate


  • Speak professionally in small or large groups with prepared materials (including to articulate oneself clearly, concisely and logically while addressing the audience's needs)
  • Enhance one's intercultural competence continually and proactively, to represent the association in interactions with culturally and linguistically diverse groups of people in multiple contexts effectively
  • Facilitate group discussions strategically (including focusing on the agenda, navigating difficult conversations, leading conflict resolution, and working for practical consensus)
  • Advocate for ELT professionals, students, and the field at multiple levels, from local to international
  • Promote transparency, communicating developments to members, affiliates, etc. and invite input
  • Operate in an online environment efficiently and effectively

Independent and Team Work

  • Ability to effectively collaborate with the executive director, board colleagues, and staff
  • Ability to work independently
  • Ability to interact with other board members in a group setting, both contributing to, and valuing the contributions of all members
  • Ability to provide feedback to an executive director, employer, supervisor, etc. on behalf of a group/your peers.

Financial Skills

  • Ability to understand and analyze financial reports
  • Ability to review and analyze proposed budgets in light of Association resources, strategic goals, and priorities


  • Have various leadership experiences within the profession
  • Have leadership experience within TESOL
  • Have thorough knowledge of TESOL policies and procedures
  • Have experience interacting with diverse ELT professionals

It is expected that you:

  • Have a commitment to the purpose, mission, and values of the association
  • Have a clear vision for the association that can move it forward
  • Have a strong interest in working on the advancement of the association
  • Help the board exercise proper stewardship of the association
  • Have cultural awareness, understanding, and appreciation of different cultural needs
  • Act morally and ethically in accordance with the association's values
  • Avoid conflicts of interest
  • Understand the need to base decisions on what is good for the association
  • Accept accountability for group decisions so that the board of directors speaks with “one voice”
  • Can dedicate 2-4 hours a week. Attend in person board meeting in March and a week long board meeting in October in Alexandria, Virginia, USA. Also, there is a minimum of 2 additional board meetings online.
  • Be diplomatic yet honest and open in discussions with the executive director and the board of directors
  • Prepare in advance for and attend meetings and conference calls and actively participate in all of them
  • Maintain confidentiality
  • Efficiently use technology to respond to online communications (emails, web meetings, conference calls)

Institutional Support

Institutional support is time granted by your employer to allow you to fulfill your responsibilities on the TESOL Board of Directors.

Serving as a director requires a significant amount of time throughout the year to perform these responsibilities to the association. (About 2-4 hours per month, plus an additional 8 hours before the October Board meeting and 12 hours in the two weeks before the conference. You will be expected to participate in online discussions in a timely manner all year).

Conflict of Interest

If elected, all conflicts of interest will need to be addressed. You will be asked to resign from leadership in any professional councils or other formal roles in TESOL International Association, avoid publishing for TESOL, or serving as an editor for TESOL publications. You will also be asked to resign from any top leadership position in a TESOL affiliate. You may have to forgo royalties from currently promoted TESOL publications. 

  • Expressions of Interest (EOI) must be submitted by 9 June.
  • References are due by 15 July.
  • Notifications of results of EOI submissions will be by 15 August. Additional information may be required at this time.
  • Election process begins 15 October and ends 8 November.
  • The TESOL Executive Director will inform each candidate of the election outcome directly.

How to Apply

Submit your interest through the form at the bottom of this web page. Those who confirm their eligibility by completing the form will be sent a link to the formal Expression of Interest. 

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact us.


Please note that if elected, you will be asked to step down from any professional councils or other formal roles within TESOL International Association.

To run for TESOL president-elect, you must be

  • have been an active member of TESOL for the past eight (8) years · by June 1 of the year for which your name will appear on the ballot.
  • not be a former president of TESOL
  • not be a full- or part-time employee of TESOL International Association within the past three (3) years
  • not be a member of the Board of Directors at the time of election.
  • not be a member of the Nominating Committee at the time of the election

The President-Elect serves for one (1) year as the second-highest-ranking officer within TESOL International Association before becoming President for one (1) year. Additionally, he, she, or they serves one (1) year as Past-President. Each position (President, President-Elect, and Past-President) carries a unique set of tasks. The candidate must, therefore, be able to assume responsibility for all tasks as he, she, or they rotates through the positions.

The President-Elect serves on the Executive Committee and Board of Directors. The President-Elect carries out his, her, or their duties in collaboration with the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. These duties include three core responsibilities:

  • Help set the direction for the association: perform strategic thinking and planning, help set mission and vision, honor organizational values, promote a positive public image, approve operational and annual plans.
  • Help ensure resources for the association: hire capable executive leadership, help ensure adequate financial resources, capably engage the board of directors.
  • Help provide oversight of the association: oversee financial management, minimize exposure to risk, measure progress on the strategic plan, monitor programs, and services, assume legal responsibility and provide ethical oversight, evaluate the CEO.

Additional Responsibilities

  • Preparing and presiding over meetings and conference calls.
  • Working closely with the president and executive director on ensuring the implementation of the strategic goals.
  • Working with the president and executive director in acting as the spokesperson for TESOL International Association.
  • Fully participating in the work of the Board of Directors.
  • Representing the association at various affiliate and/or professional events.
  • Advocating for TESOL members in their professional contexts.
  • Responding to changes in the field of English language teaching (ELT).


  • Understand TESOL International Association's structure, policies, and culture (including its mission, vision, values, goals, current strategic plan, governance structure, the role of staff and volunteers, programs, and services).
  • Understand the current TESOL field and its direction (including ELT profession in different contexts, threats/challenges in the ELT field for the association, authoritative literature on association leadership and governance, the association's role in advancing the field).

Leadership Experiences and Skills

  • Ability to inspire and empower others, including the recruitment and mentoring of new leaders.
  • Ability to use resources effectively to achieve set goals, including organizing tasks, delegating responsibilities that use people's skills efficiently, and directing other resources.

Strategic Thinking & Decision Making

  • Ability to consider the big picture while being goal/future-oriented, not get caught in minutiae.
  • Ability to process large amounts of information; synthesize and incorporate multiple viewpoints and perspectives.
  • Ability to think independently and critically (including using research data, asking questions, challenging unsubstantiated information).
  • Ability to use logic and reasoning to identify issues as well as the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions, or approaches to problems.
  • Ability to make informed decisions efficiently and take action when needed.
  • Ability to be objective at all times about what is best for the whole of the association rather than what is best for a particular constituency.
  • Ability to analyze reports of standing committees, professional councils, task forces, etc. and comment on drafts of publications and other documents as appropriate.


  • Speak professionally in small or large groups with prepared materials (including to articulate oneself clearly, concisely and logically while addressing the audience's needs).
  • Enhance one's intercultural competence continually and proactively, to represent the association in interactions with culturally and linguistically diverse groups of people in multiple contexts effectively.
  • Facilitate group discussions strategically (including focusing on the agenda, navigating difficult conversations, leading conflict resolution, and working for practical consensus).
  • Advocate for ELT professionals, students, and the field at multiple levels, from local to international.
  • Promote transparency, communicate developments to members, affiliates, etc., and invite input.
  • Operate in an online environment efficiently and effectively.

Independent and Team Work

  • Ability to effectively collaborate with the Executive Director, Board colleagues, and staff.
  • Ability to work independently.
  • Ability to interact with other board members in a group setting, both contributing to and valuing the contributions of all members.
  • Ability to provide feedback to an executive director, employer, supervisor, etc. on behalf of a group/your peers.

Financial Management

  • Ability to understand and analyze financial and investment reports.
  • Ability to review and analyze proposed budgets in light of Association resources, strategic goals, and priorities.


  • Have various leadership experiences within the profession.
  • Have leadership experience within TESOL.
  • Have a thorough knowledge of TESOL policies and procedures.
  • Have experience interacting with diverse ELT professionals.

It is expected that you:

  • Have a commitment to the purpose, mission, and values of the association.
  • Have a clear vision for the association that can move it forward.
  • Have a strong interest in working on the advancement of the association.
  • Help the board exercise proper stewardship of the association.
  • Have cultural awareness, understanding, and appreciation of different cultural needs.
  • Act morally and ethically in accordance with the association's values.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest.
  • Understand the need to base decisions on what is good for the association.
  • Accept accountability for group decisions so that the board of directors speaks with “one voice.”
  • Can dedicate 8+ hours a week to your work during your years as President-Elect and Past-President, with potentially 16 or more hours per week during your year as President. Attend an in person board meeting in March and a week long board meeting in October in Alexandria, Virginia, USA. There is also a minimum of 2 additional board meetings online.
  • Are available for a limited series of online orientation meetings
  • Be diplomatic yet honest and open in discussions with the executive director and the board of directors.
  • Prepare in advance for and attend meetings and conference calls and actively participate in all of them.
  • Maintain confidentiality.

Institutional Support

Institutional support is time granted by your employer to allow you to fulfill your responsibilities on the TESOL Board of Directors.

Serving as a director requires a significant amount of time throughout the year to perform these responsibilities to the association. (About 2-4 hours per month, plus an additional 8 hours before the October Board meeting and 12 hours in the two weeks before the conference. You will be expected to participate in online discussions in a timely manner all year).

  • Expressions of Interest (EOI) must be submitted by 9 June.
  • References are due by 15 July.
  • Notifications of results of EOI submissions will be by 15 August. Additional information may be required at this time.
  • Election process begins 15 October and ends 8 November.
  • The TESOL Executive Director will inform each candidate of the election outcome directly.

How to Apply

Submit your interest through the form at the bottom of this web page. Those who confirm their eligibility by completing the form will be sent a link to the formal Expression of Interest. 

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact us.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee solicits nominations from the membership entities, standing committees, and other TESOL constituencies, and from the membership for TESOL leadership elections: president, board of directors, and the next year's Nominating Committee.

Members who serve on the Nominating Committee solicit and vet nominations for three TESOL leadership positions: president-elect, board of directors, and Nominating Committee. The current Nominating Committee is seeking a wide range of candidates from diverse backgrounds and perspectives and with varied ELT professional experiences.

Members have five core responsibilities:

  • Complete an online orientation to the application review process
  • Become familiar with the strategic direction and the leadership needs of the association
  • Solicit, evaluate, vet, and screen prospective candidates
  • Recommend candidates for the slate
  • Maintain confidentiality throughout the process

Additional responsibilities include participating in face-to-face and conference call meetings, communicating with the candidates and their references (e.g., soliciting additional information), and staying abreast of updates and information on the committee email list.

To run for Nominating Committee, you must:

  • have been an active member of TESOL for the past five (5) out of 7 years by June 1 of the year for which your name will appear on the ballot.
  • not have been a full- or part-time employee of TESOL within the past three (3) years.
  • not be a member of the board of directors at the time of the election.
  • not be a member of the Nominating Committee at the time of the election.


  • Be familiar with the association’s mission, vision, values, and goals (strategic plan).
  • Understand the specific responsibilities attached to the different leadership positions on the ballot.
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of volunteers within the association.
  • Understand the association’s governance structure and policies.
  • Understand the association's programs and services.
  • Understand the needs of the association's members and stakeholders.
  • Understand the ELT profession in different contexts.
  • Recognize and anticipate opportunities and threats in the ELT field that may have direct implications on the association.

Strategic Thinking and Skills

  • Ability to always keep the big picture in mind while paying attention to details
  • Ability to think independently, grow in knowledge, and rely on data rather than opinions
  • Ability to be goal and future-oriented
  • Ability to think critically, ask questions, and challenge opinions in delicate conversations
  • Ability to understand issues from different perspectives
  • Ability to understand and process large amounts of information (print, online, and oral) effectively and efficiently
  • Ability to synthesize multiple viewpoints and incorporate them into sound decisions


  • Ability to articulate ideas, opinions, rationales, and comments in a clear, concise, and logical manner for the needs of the audience
  • Ability to effectively communicate with a culturally and linguistically diverse team of other committee members, leadership entities, TESOL members, and TESOL staff, orally and in writing
  • Ability to achieve practical consensus in group discussions
  • Ability to operate in an online environment efficiently and effectively

Decision Making

  • Ability to execute due diligence in evaluating potential candidates
  • Ability to use logic and reasoning to identify strengths and weaknesses of candidates
  • Ability to make informed decisions efficiently and take action when needed
  • Ability to be objective at all times about what is best for the whole of the association, rather than what is best for a particular constituency


  • Ability to effectively collaborate as well as work independently and online
  • Ability to interact with other committee members in a group setting, both contributing to, and valuing the contributions of all members


  • Has various leadership experiences within the profession and other professional associations
  • Has experience with policies and procedures
  • Has experience interacting with ease with diverse ELT professionals

It is expected that you:

  • Have a commitment to the purpose, mission, and values of the association.
  • Have a strong interest in working on the advancement of the association.
  • Have cultural awareness, understanding, and appreciation of different cultural needs.
  • Act morally and ethically in accordance with the association's values.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest.
  • Understand the need to base decisions on what is good for the association.
  • Accept accountability for group decisions so that the committee speaks with one voice.
  • Can dedicate 5-6 hours per week to the work of the committee during the orientation, solicitation, and vetting process (January-September), plus additional time training and debriefing sessions.
  • Are diplomatic yet honest and open in discussions with members of the committee.
  • Prepare in advance for and attend meetings and conference calls and review materials as needed.
  • Maintain absolute adherence to confidentiality.

  • Expressions of Interest (EOI) must be submitted by 9 June.
  • References are due by 15 July.
  • Notifications of results of EOI submissions will be by 15 August. Additional information may be required at this time.
  • Election process begins 15 October and ends 8 November.
  • The TESOL Executive Director will inform each candidate of the election outcome directly.

How to Apply

Submit your interest through the form at the bottom of this web page. Those who confirm their eligibility by completing the form will be sent a link to the formal Expression of Interest. 

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact us.

Submission of Interest

If you are interested in submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) for a position(s). complete the form below. This is a preliminary step to submitting a formal EOI.

By completing the form, you are indicating that you meet the qualifications and understand the time commitment. 

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