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TICKETED EVENTS, Tuesday, 18 March

Preconvention Institutes (PCIs)

Preconvention Institutes (PCIs) offer in-depth, hands-on professional development workshops designed and led by experts in the field of English language teaching and learning.

Topics are selected by the Professional Development, Research, and Convention Professional Councils in response to suggestions from convention planners and past PCI participants.

The TESOL ​2025 PCIs will be held on Tuesday, 18 March. Complete workshop information will be available in early November.

Registration Fees

All prices are per PCI and in U.S. dollars.


Advance Registration:
On or Before 15 February

Regular Registration:
After 15 February

Half-day (4-hour PCI) $150 $205
Full-day (6-hour PCI) $225 $305

Note: You may attend a PCI without registering for the full TESOL convention. To register for a PCI, use the convention registration button.

PCI Schedule & Titles

All times listed are in US Pacific Time. 

Time Titles
9:00 am - 4:00 pm PT
(all day)

PCI 1. Teaching Pronunciation to Young Learners - CANCELED
PCI 2. Integrating Social-Emotional Learning in Project-Based English Language Classrooms - CANCELED
PCI 3. Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Special Education Processes for English Learners
PCI 4. Be Exemplary: TESOL’s 6 Principles in the 21st Century Classroom  
PCI 5. Curriculum and assessment design in the age of AI

8:00 am - 12:00 pm PT
(1/2 day)

PCI 6. Dyslexia in the EFL Classroom - - CANCELED
PCI 7. Techniques for Teaching Content Through English
PCI 8. Enhancing group discussion skills through Tabletop Role-playing Games (TTRPGs)
PCI 9. Inclusive ELT: Embracing Adaptive Learning, Digital Citizenship, and Intercultural Competence
PCI10. Creating an Anti-bullying Environment through Social and Emotional Learning Instruction - CANCELED
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm PT
(1/2 day)

PCI 11. Creating a Successful Program to Address Newcomer and SIFE Learners
PCI 12. How to ENABLE teacher learning - CANCELED
PCI 13. Curriculum Development for ESL/EFL Professionals’ Designing to Meet Student Needs
PCI 14. Creating Accessible Digital Learning Content for Everyday ESL Classroom Materials - CANCELED

Ready to register?

Register online by 14 March! After that date, you can register in person in Long Beach.

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