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TICKETED EVENT, Tuesday, 18 March

EnglishUSA Regional Professional Development Workshop

Thriving in the Ever-Changing Post-Secondary English Language Classroom

Tuesday, 18 March 2025| 1:00-5:00pm PT

Target Audience: Post-secondary English language programs

While ESL instructors and administrators have always been nimble in adapting to meet the diverse needs of English language learners, the past few years has required an extraordinary amount of adaptation and modification, both short and long term.   Creativity and innovation are what attract many of us to this field.  However, we cope with both a temporary ‘one-off’ nature of some adaptations while simultaneously implementing more stable ‘permanent’ changes.  This combination can be draining; as creativity is hampered for instructors, coordinators, and administrators dealing with the day-to-day operations and classroom while also keeping up with the pace of change.  

Workshop Description

This workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to identify strategies for coping and thriving in the ever-changing classroom and (virtual) office, leveraging their strengths and adding skills to cope with the new and changing demands.  

The facilitators will guide attendees through modules based on the attendees’ contexts to help with issues they are encountering as they adapt and modify curricula to meet changing students' goals and motivations, including working with mixed and combined levels, and use of advanced technologies in teaching and learning.  

Workshop format will require participants to brainstorm and contribute--the facilitators will assist with the flow of ideas; attendees will get the most out of the day with full participation in a safe space that allows for inquiry and celebration. 

Key Objectives

  • Learn more about the diversity of programming in post-secondary English language programs 
  • Identify common issues with 
                - Pace of change
                - Combined level classrooms
                - Use (and misuse) of AI
  • Discuss strategies for overcoming some of the challenges with “Advice to Teachers, Coordinators, and Administrators”
  • Provide resources and strategies for keeping up to date
  • Network with peers to develop a longer-term support system


  • Cheryl Delk-Le Good, Executive Director, EnglishUSA
  • Ken Janjigian, Director, English Language Training Academy and Academic Director of the International Accelerator Program, American University
  • Rachel Kraut, Director of Innovative Academic Programs, Language Programs, & Adjunct Professor, Intensive English Program, Rice University
  • Heather Snavely, Director, Intensive English Program, California Baptist University 

Registration Fees


Advance Registration:
On or Before 15 February

Regular Registration:
After 15 February

EnglishUSA Workshop $150 $205

Note: You may attend the EnglishUSA workshop without registering for the full TESOL convention. To register for the EnglishUSA workshop, use the convention registration button.

Ready to register?

Register online by 14 March! After that date, you can register in person in Long Beach.

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