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Justification Toolkit

As an English language teaching professional, you understand the value of attending the TESOL Convention & Expo. In the current economy, however, many school districts, state and local governments, and other organizations have tightened travel and education budgets.

If you need financial support from your employer to attend TESOL 2025, you will likely have to justify your request. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Plan your budget.
    You can find most costs for the event by looking at the Registration and Hotel and Travel pages. Then be sure to register by 15 February at our advance rates to save. Members save even more!

  2. Reach out to your supervisor informally about the possibility of attending and receiving funding.
    Example: “I’m really interested in attending the upcoming TESOL International Convention & Expo in March. It’s the largest in-person professional development event for English language teaching professionals worldwide. Attending will help me connect with experts in [your area of ELT] and learn about the latest research, tools, and strategies to help me [list what you’re hoping to learn]. I will also bring back what I learn to benefit our team. Would we be able to find funding to support my participation in this event?

  3. Make your case formally for funding your participation in the convention.
    You can tailor our email template to fit your needs and provide this convention fact sheet. It’s best to highlight the potential positive impact that your attendance will have on you and your colleagues as well as learners (if you are a teacher). If you’re not approved for full funding, you can suggest partial funding as an option.

  4. Be resourceful.
    Consider other ways to fund your attendance. Each July, TESOL offers travel grants to attend the convention, and there may be grants or scholarships offered by other organizations as well. There are also sites like Donors Choose where teachers can request funding.  

Ready to register?

Register online by 14 March! After that date, you can register in person in Long Beach.

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