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We hope you decide to join us at TESOL 2025 in beautiful Long Beach, CA, USA! 

If you have questions about convention registration, please contact

All prices listed below are in U.S. dollars. 

Individual Registration

Registration Type Advance Registration
(by 15 February)
Regular Registration
(after 15 February)
TESOL Member $395 $595
Nonmember $575 $825
TESOL Student Member $225 $325
TESOL Global Member $225 $325
TESOL Retired Member $225 $325

Group Registration

A group is five or more registrants from the same institution. Price is for each group member. You will need at least five registrants to start the group registration. You can add more registrants to your group throughout the registration period. Payment can be received in full for the group or individually for each group member.

Registration Type Advance Registration
(by 15 February)
On-Site Registration
(after 15 February)
TESOL Member Group $345 $525
Nonmember Group $495 $695
TESOL Student Member Group $195 $295
TESOL Global Member Group $195 $295

One-Day Registration

Registration Type Wednesday Thursday Friday
TESOL Member $205 $205 $135
Nonmember $275 $275 $195

Ready to register?

Register online by 14 March! After that date, you can register in person in Long Beach.

Graduate Credit Options through Hamline University

University Credit Available for TESOL 2025!

Enhance your professional development by earning university credits for your participation in the TESOL 2025 Convention! Hamline University is offering flexible credit options:

These university credits can be applied toward professional development requirements or continuing education units. All courses are now available for registration through Hamline University's Continuing Studies website.

For questions about registration or credit requirements, please contact Hamline University directly at 

Volunteer at TESOL 2025

Have two or three hours to spare? Volunteer at TESOL 2025!

Volunteer your time and get a $15 lunch voucher!* You can lend a hand at one of the many help desks, preconvention institutes, or other convention functions.

Click here to sign up to volunteer at TESOL 2025. 

*Note: Volunteers at any ticketed events are not eligible for the voucher because you get to attend the event for free.

Questions? Please contact

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