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Opening Keynote

Victor Zea
National Geographic Explorer
Tuesday | 5:30-6:30 p.m. PT

Hip Hop: A Powerful Tool for Language Learning and Revitalization
Rap, the oral and written expression of Hip Hop, was born in the Bronx and spread globally as a universal language, adopted by diverse communities in their path of cultural resistance. Through this tool, young generations reclaim their multicultural heritage, identity, and the language of their ancestors to communicate freely.

Victor Zea is a freelance photographer based in Cusco, Peru. He reconnects with his Quechuan roots through photography and hip hop reflecting on the complexities that define identity.

Headshot by Musuk Nolte.
This keynote is sponsored by National Geographic Learning.

Missy Testerman
2024 National Teacher of the Year
Wednesday | 8:00-9:00 a.m. PT


It’s the Journey

Teachers often feel learning is best achieved via a steadfast path toward defined goals, but acquiring English does not always adhere to that traditional wisdom. Missy untangles English language development as a journey that does not have the same destination for all learners. 


Missy Testerman, the 2024 National Teacher of the Year, is a teacher from Rogersville, Tennessee who is a staunch advocate for students, families, and teachers. 

Presidential Keynote
Debra Suarez
2024-2025 TESOL International Association President
Thursday | 8:00-9:00am PT


The Joy of TESOL: Voices Uplifted

What sustains TESOL educators beyond a sense of purpose? Teaching English is often seen as a service-based, mission-driven profession. However, might something else sustain us beyond this sense of purpose? When we listen to ELT professionals, we recognize joy as a vital tool for fostering respect, inclusion, and robust learning.

Debra Suarez is a veteran educator and advocate. Her career concentrates on improving the educational experiences of ELT students, educators, and minority populations worldwide.

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Be sure to register by 15 February to save with the advance rate!

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