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TESOL Press Author Sessions

Wednesday 19 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Hyatt, Beacon Ballroom B

Brent Warner

You’re sure there’s something out there that can help you out, but you can’t quite find the right tool. Join in to find and share resources that can help teachers and students save time and increase productivity with the ELT Toolkit! Build connections, discuss relevant problems of practice—and gather solutions.

Wednesday 19 March, 12:00 PM- 1:15 PM
Hyatt, Beacon Ballroom B

Holly Hansen-Thomas, María-Elena Gómez-Parra, and Barbara Muszyńska

This session highlights activities, lessons, and classrooms that use translanguaging for teaching and learning. Participants interact with the authors and get a broad overview as well as detailed insight about the content in this newly published TESOL Press book. Build connections with peers, discuss relevant problems of practice—and gather solutions. 


Wednesday 19 March, 2:00 PM- 3:15 PM
LBCC, Grand Ballroom B

Alycia Owen, William Newman, Daniela Ortiz, and Annita Stell

Explore TESOL’s No-Prep Activity Card series, where “Little Cards, Big Impact” comes to life in literacy, oracy, assessment, and AI. Each set of 100 cards offers quick, creative solutions to energize your lessons, foster collaboration, and allow for easy adaptations. Join our session to learn how to integrate these impactful cards.

Wednesday 19 March, 3:00 PM- 4:15 PM
LBCC, 103 C

Michelle Benegas and Amy Stolpestad

Are you encountering roadblocks in your efforts to ensure that all teachers take responsibility for language teaching? This session provides an opportunity for you to find innovative solutions to problems of practice in your setting. Mingle with the authors, build connections with peers—and gather solutions. 

Thursday 20 March, 9:00 AM- 10:00 AM
LBCC, 103 C

Christina Kitson

This session introduces the TESOL Zip Guide: AI in English Language Teaching, which covers AI fundamentals, best practices, ethical considerations, and practical applications. Attendees learn effective strategies for using AI—on their own and in the classroom—and introducing students to AI. 

Thursday 20 March, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
LBCC, Beverly O'Neil Theater

Peter DeCosta, Kristen Lindahl, Charlene Polio, and Bedrettin Yazan

This session provides authors with advice on how to get published in academic journals. Editors from a number of journals discuss what they are looking for in submissions to their journals and answer audience questions.

Thursday 20 March, 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
LBCC, 103 C

Helene Becker, Deborah Short, and Alice Lau

Colleagues without English language development training may not understand conditions for successful second language acquisition (SLA), yet many teach MLEs. Using SLA theory and The 6 Principles, the presenters demonstrate strategies to help colleagues apply the SLA process to instruction, so they can better serve their learners. 

Thursday 20 March, 12:00 PM- 1:15 PM
Hyatt, Beacon Ballroom B

Janet Eichenberger Hiatt and Cindra Porter

Join the authors as they explore challenges K–12 teachers face in accessing professional learning specific to multilingual learners of English. Discover practical solutions and resources from their new book ELT Power-Ups. Mingle with the authors, build connections with peers, discuss relevant problems of practice—and gather solutions.

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