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3 Reasons (and Ways!) to Embrace Mother Languages in the Classroom

by Eric Gómez Burgos |

International Mother Language Day has been observed annually on 21 February since 1999. Though this year the day has passed, reflecting on it offers an opportunity to consider the value of linguistic diversity and the role of mother languages in education. As they learn English, multilingual learners of English (MLEs) can use their mother languages to support their English proficiency. Here I present three reasons to incorporate mother languages in English writing instruction and several activities that can be used in the classroom to strengthen students' writing skills.

*Note: In this blog, I’ll use the terms mother language and home language interchangeably.

1. Transferring Mother Language Strategies to English Writing

It is fascinating how MLEs can transfer the strategies they already use in their home language to the subsequent languages they learn. Their mother languages are a source of knowledge that will influence the way they think, organize and express their ideas, and work through their academic tasks. Teachers who allow MLEs to use their home language alongside English in writing tasks provide opportunities to apply familiar cognitive skills, utilize linguistic structures, and express their ideas effectively. In this regard, translanguaging can be useful to enhance MLEs’ writing abilities in the classroom and encourage a more holistic approach to language learning.

Example Activities

    • Have learners brainstorm ideas, write drafts, or discuss content in their home languages if they’d like to. This will give learners more chances to develop their thoughts and lead to more accurate writing outcomes.
    • Have learners compare certain words or structures in their home language and English to notice similarities in terminology or structure, allowing them to transfer their previous knowledge into their English writing.
    • Have learners create a picture dictionary, bilingual dictionary, or word bank that they can revise when they write and that can be added to regularly. These lexical items should include key words in their home language and English.
    • Have learners write a dialogue where they use their home language and English, switching between both systems.

2. Respecting Linguistic Diversity in the Classroom

A classroom that embraces linguistic diversity showcases the varied languages MLEs use in their communities. Teachers who accept linguistic — and therefore cultural — diversity in their classrooms include a variety of practices to create a more inclusive classroom environment; they also provide opportunities for learners to become familiar with their classmates’ cultures. To help foster a sense of respect and understanding of MLEs’ identities, mother languages are valued and welcomed as part of writing. For students, their mother languages are tied to personal histories, so using their first languages allows them to share their experiences and feel that their previous knowledge is valued and respected.

Example Activities

    • Have learners present and write about their home cultures in the classroom. They can write about a holiday, a tradition, or a meaningful place in their country of origin, and they can share and define specific words in their home language related to the topic.
    • Have learners complete multilingual writing tasks where they share short stories, songs, or anecdotes in both languages.
    • Have learners celebrate International Mother Language Day, allowing them to showcase their communities’ stories and traditions.

3. Building Confidence in the Classroom

When teachers honor home languages in the English language classroom, MLEs feel part of the class and, consequently, more confident. MLEs often struggle with writing tasks because there is pressure to follow complex grammatical structures and to comply with unfamiliar writing conventions. This can lead to frustration and anxiety. The use of the mother tongue in the writing class can help alleviate part of this stress; allowing students to incorporate their cultural identity and knowledge in the classroom acts as a scaffold.

Example Activities

    • Have learners use mind maps to organize their ideas in their mother tongue. They can write a poem about the most exciting activity they did in their country of origin.
    • Have learners write a gratitude journal where they can write in their mother language and English about their learning process.
    • Have learners work with peers to compare compositions and receive constructive feedback that can improve their writing.

Embracing mother languages in the writing class means empowering MLEs and strengthening their background knowledge. International Mother Language Day is an opportunity to acknowledge and honor linguistic diversity in your classroom, whether you observe it belatedly, next year, or year-round. Activities that promote the inclusion of mother languages in the classroom help MLEs develop their writing abilities effectively.

About the author

Eric Gómez Burgos

Eric Gómez Burgos is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Education at Universidad San Sebastián (Puerto Montt, Chile) and a Humphrey Fellow in Peabody College at Vanderbilt University (2023-2024). He has experience in teaching EFL to students ranging in age from early childhood to the university level. His work in teacher education focuses on preparing EFL teachers in the areas of teaching English to young learners and field experiences at school. His research interests include teaching methods and teacher education in EFL settings.

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