Celebrating Adult Multilingual Learners of English (MLEs)
Adult Literacy and Family Education Week (14-20 September 2025) is a national collaboration between families, educators, legislators, and community partners to promote adult literacy.
Look for additional resources and opportunities to take action later in 2025!
Explore TESOL Press Resources
Check out the TESOL Press Bookstore section on Adult Learners for titles about teaching adult MLEs!

Download Government & Community Resources
Use these resources and toolkits to learn more about adult multilingual learners and their unique needs.
- TESOL's Community and Family Toolkit - TESOL International Association
- TESOL English Learners and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA): What Educators Need to Know - TESOL International Association
- TESOL's Adult Education Interest Section - TESOL International Association
- Adult Literacy & Learning Impact Network (ALL-IN), implementing the National Action Plan for Literacy. TESOL is a coordinating council member.
- Adult Education & Family Literacy Act - U.S. Department of Education
TESOL Talks: A Talk With Christine Piven and Federico Salas-Isnardi About Their Work for Adult MLEs
Join last year's conversation as TESOL Director Advocacy and Public Policy Jeff Hutcheson speaks with Christine Piven, executive director of the City of Philadelphia’s Office of Children and Families, and Federico Salas-Isnardi, director of the Mayor’s Office for Adult Literacy in Houston, about their efforts in Houston and Philadelphia to serve the adult population for literacy and English language.
17 September 2023