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TESOL Board of Directors

The board of directors leads the development of TESOL’s vision and mission and oversees the strategic direction of the association.

The board of directors is elected by TESOL members. Each individual serves a 3-year term on the board. The TESOL president serves 1 year as president-elect, 1 year as president, and 1 year as past president. 

2024–2025 Executive Committee

Debra Suarez

Debra Suarez
Uplifting Teachers
Washington, D.C., USA
Term: 2023–2026

Justin Shewell
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona, USA
Term: 2024–2027

Shelley Taylor
Past President
Western University
Ontario, Canada
Term: 2022–2025

Danielle Staudt
Executive Director 
TESOL Staff Office
Alexandria, Virginia, USA

2023–2024 Directors

Misty Adoniou
University of Canberra
Canberra, Australia
Term: 2024–2027

Kisha Bryan

Kisha Bryan Jordan
Tennessee State University
Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Term: 2023–2026

Elisabeth Chan

Elisabeth Chan
Northern Virginia Community College
Annandale, Virginia, USA
Term: 2022–2025


Raichle Farrelly

Raichle Farrelly
University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado, USA
Term: 2022–2025


Kate Mastruserio Reynolds

Kate Mastruserio Reynolds
Central Washington University
Ellensburg, Washington, USA
Term: 2022–2025

Larisa Olesova
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida, USA
Term: 2024–2027

Araceli Salas
Benemérita Unversidad Autónoma de Puebla
Puebla, Mexico
Term: 2024–2027

Cynthia Wiseman
Borough of Manhattan Community College, City University of New York (CUNY)
New York, New York, USA
Term: 2023–2026

Current Initiatives and Projects

TESOL is currently undertaking the following special projects or initiatives, click on each to learn more. 


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