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2024 TESOL Annual Report


TESOL International Association is pleased to share this annual report highlighting our activities and accomplishments during the period of 1 November 2023 to 31 December 2024. This period spans 14 months as we adjust our fiscal year to align with the calendar year starting in 2025.

Our Thanks to Rosa Aronson

TESOL would like to extend our thanks to Rosa Aronson for serving as the interim executive director this year. Rosa’s leadership and guidance was a boon while we selected the right candidate to serve as TESOL's permanent executive director.

Thank you, Rosa! 🎉

2024 TESOL Teacher of the Year

Luis Javier Pentón Herrera is Full Professor at Akademia Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna w Warszawie in Poland. He is a Fulbright Specialist and an English Language Specialist with the U.S. Department of State. He previously served as Maryland TESOL's 38th president, and earned the rank of Sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC).

Thanks to Our Volunteers!

In 2024, 635 people contributed to TESOL’s success by volunteering their time and expertise. We couldn’t have done it without you!

These individuals represent the best of us, they selflessly give their time and expertise to advance the profession and help their colleagues. I am always amazed when I see how much they accomplish on behalf of TESOL International Association.”

— Debra Suarez, TESOL President 2024-2025

Member Demographics

African Diaspora 7%
Arab   2%
Asian, Central 1%
Asian, East 2%
Asian, Pacific 1%
Asian, South 7%
Asian, Southeast 7%
Caribbean 2%
European Diaspora 51%
Hispanic/Latina(o) 7%
Indigenous, Central American        4%
Indigenous, Other Ethnic Minority <1%
Indigenous, North American <1%
Indigenous, South American <1%
Other  2%
Middle Eastern 4%
Mestiza(o)            9%
North African   1%
Sub-Saharan African 4%


Cognitive, Emotional, or Physical Disability 51%
Disadvantaged 49%
Female 72%
Male 27%
Nonbinary <1%
Other <1%
Transgender <1%

Administrator, Chair, or School Lead 18%
Other 16%
Professor, Instructor, or Teacher 48%
Teacher Educator or Teacher Trainer 17%

Asian 20%
Asian or Pacific Islander 1%
Black/African-American 8%
Hispanic/Latina(o) 5%
Indigenous/First Nation <1%
Middle Eastern/North African 2%
Mixed/Multiple 5%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander <1%
Other <1%
White 55%

Postsecondary Degree Granting Institution 28%
Government (employed)-Based 14%
Pre-Primary through Secondary 16%
Community/Social Programs 8%
Self-Employed 8%
Business/Corporate Training 5%
Non-Degree Granting School or Program 11%
None of These 11%

Initiatives & Accomplishments


Africa ELTA & TESOL Leadership Training

TESOL and Africa ELTA came together to offer a blended learning leadership workshop to 57 English language teaching professionals from 26 African countries. Participants completed up to 12 hours of course work online prior to gathering in Cairo, Egypt, for two days of in-person work before attending the Africa ELTA conference. Topics included in the training ranged from organizational management and proposal writing to storytelling with data and action planning. This training was offered as part of the English Access Scholarship Program, funded by the U.S. Department of State and was sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs via the six Regional English Language Offices located in Africa.

The leadership training workshop has had a significant impact on both my professional growth and the way I engage with peers and students. I’ve noticed an improvement in my ability to handle challenging situations with composure, as well as in my overall decision-making skills. As a result, I feel more confident in my role as a leader and I am better able to motivate my team to reach our collective goals... my team members are now more open to sharing ideas, and we’ve seen greater efficiency in our work.”

— Participant, Africa ELTA & TESOL Leadership Training Workshop


Justice & Equity Professional Council (JEPC)

In March 2024 the TESOL Board of Directors approved a new professional council to advance the association’s commitment to social justice and diversity, equity, inclusion, and access (DEIA). This new professional council will begin work in April 2025 with the charge to: 

  • Assist in recommending and supporting policies and practices through a DEIA lens.
  • Assist in demonstrating progress towards its DEIA goals with metrics.
  • Build members’ expertise in DEIA through education and training.
  • Promote community engagement.  

See all TESOL Committees and Councils



In the 2024 fiscal year, TESOL signed on to 10 letters of support and advocated on behalf of 12 U.S. federal legislative bills.

During the 2024 TESOL Advocacy Action Days, we helped arrange 30+ virtual visits and 60+ in-person meetings with U.S. members of Congress. In total, we hosted or participated in 30+ sessions with 10 partner association and 4 government agencies in the form of webinars, panels, and other events.

Individuals used the TESOL Advocacy Action Center to send 1,000+ messages to U.S. members of Congress about issues and legislation directly impacting educators and learners.

Outside of the U.S., we also launched a Newcomer Perspective and Resource Community in collaboration with TESOL members from across the globe. We helped facilitate 4 affiliate advocacy workshops highlighting advocacy efforts across 5 continents.

  1. National English Learner Roundtable with colleague associations and the U.S. Department of Education, focused on issues impacting the ELT field, MLEs, families, schools, and communities.
  2. National Coalition for Literacy, with colleague associations and the U.S. Department of Education, advocating for adult education learners and programs.
  3. Adult Learning & Literacy Impact Network, led by the Barbara Bush Foundation for Literacy and guided by 12 associations advancing multigenerational literacy.
  4. English Language Program Advisory Consortium, with higher education, accreditation, and English language program associations, elevating higher education access and mobility for MLEs.
  5. Advocacy presentations at the Coalition on Adult Basic Education and EnglishUSA.
  6. Participation in the National Immigration Forum, advancing comprehensive and fair immigration reform.



TESOL workshops, courses, and certificate programs allow educators and administrators to grow their professional knowledge and skills wherever they are in their career.

In 2024, we help 9 custom workshops and issued 109 certificates of completion to participants. Overall, our programs educated 2,978 participants and we issued 187 certificates or badges.


The SWEL training you both facilitated for my district this week made an impact on my team. Though it was a lot to digest, the time FLEW (how often does that happen in PD?). My teachers were all saying this afternoon how excited they felt and how much of a difference this will make in the schools—we can't wait to get started!” 

— Catherine Koontz, Director of ML/Title III

New Courses

According to UNICEF, data has shown that there are over 200 million children around the world who have disabilities, and many don’t receive the resources they need. Within that population, children who are learning English as an additional language while living in a new country face unique challenges as they are adjusting to a new culture.

In this 60-hour self-study course, participants will learn the foundational knowledge, tools, and resources needed to start helping these vulnerable students.

Learn more

In this live online workshop, participants will discover strategies to leverage learners' existing knowledge across languages, foster multilingual practices, navigate the science of reading, and enhance oral language skills. Additionally, participants will learn how to build practical classroom routines that ensure meaningful engagement with texts, boosting comprehension and overall reading ability.

Learn more

With so much information coming out so quickly about Artificial Intelligence (AI), many teachers have found that they’ve read more about AI than they have spent time exploring it.

Led by an expert in the field, this 7.5-hour interactive and participant-centered workshop will equip participants with a starter kit of knowledge and tools to explore AI in any learning space to benefit both educators and learners.

Learn more

Tampa, Florida, USA

TESOL 2024 International Association Convention & Expo


Total Attendees


First-Time Attendees


Countries Represented


TESOL 2024 International Association Virtual Convention & Expo


Total Attendees


Virtual Platform Page Views


Live Event Attendees


Countries Represented

Grants & Projects


Grants & Contracts Including 6 International Programs


In-Person Programs Held in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Egypt, and India






Certificates Issued

  • NEW! Leadership Training Workshop with Africa ELTA and African Association leaders (Cairo, Egypt)
  • Foundational Training for Fulbright English Teaching Assistants (Online, multiple countries)
  • TESOL Core Certificate Program (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
  • First TESOL Turkmenistan Conference (Ashgabat, Turkmenistan)
  • NEW! Blended Workshop on Environmental Sustainability (3 States/Union Territories in India)
  • Blended 6Ps Certificate Program (3 States/Union Territories in India)
  • Technical Assistance Group on the Revision of the U.S. Naturalization Test (Online, United States)
  • NEW PROGRAM! Exemplary Teaching of English Learners through Environmental Sustainability 

Educators in India collaborate during TESOL's The 6 Principles workshop.

A team of TESOL International Association facilitators and co-facilitators in-training from Uzbekistan facilitated the TESOL Core Certificate for 70 secondary teachers.

TESOL collaborated with the U.S. Embassy and the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan on the TESOL Turkmenistan Conference.

It made me more confident, explorative, and skilled. Now I am able to do more justice with my teaching of students and training with teachers. TCCP has broadened my area of thinking.”

— Participant, TESOL Core Certificate Program, India



We continued our mission of connecting the worldwide English language education community and bringing together educators from pre-k teaching contexts through post-secondary.


Launched the myTESOL app in the iOS and Android stores in July 2024
1,107 app downloads in 5 months


3,639 users
70 average daily logins
637 average monthly users


New Members


Affiliate Network Organizations

2024 Stats
  TESOL Quarterly TESOL Journal
2-year impact factor 3 1.3
5-year impact factor 4.2 N/A
Submissions 712 435
Full Text Views 418,900 168,400

The TESOL Blog

  • 9 regular bloggers 
  • 66 blogs published 
  • 130,000 page views 

Visit the TESOL Blog

TESOL Connections

  • Avg. weekly delivery: 25,866 emails 
  • Avg. weekly opens: 12,432 (48.1%) 
  • Avg. weekly unique opens: 8,012 (31%) 
  • Avg. weekly clicks: 1,773 (14.2%) 
  • Avg. weekly unique clicks: 409 (5.1%)  

Visit TESOL Connections

Thank You to Our Sponsors

A special thanks to the organizations that sponsored TESOL events and projects. We are happy to partner with you for the advancement of English language education!


Note: These figures are un-audited and reflect the end-of-year monthly reports. With the change in TESOL’s fiscal year, the audit will not be completed until early Summer 2025.

Source Revenue Percentage of Total
Membership $675,722 12%
Program Fees $518,118 9%
Events $1,822,322 32%
Publications $638,635 11%
Grants, Partnerships, & Projects $1,100,303 19%
Other $953,617 17%
Total Change in Net Assets
Revenue $5,708,717
Expenses $6,061,406
Total Change in Net Assets ($352,689)
Please check back later this year for the auditor's letter and report.

Contact Us

Thank you for reading the 2024 TESOL International Association annual report. If you have questions or wish to discuss this report, please contact a member of our leadership team

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