TESOL Global Community
Participate in the Community
Develop and share your expertise with colleagues in your community and TESOL leadership. COPs are committed to research-based practice and scholarship.
Available exclusively for TESOL members.
About COPs
TESOL has two types of COPs: Interest Sections (ISs) and Professional Learning Networks (PLNs). All COPs follow TESOL's mission, vision, core values, and nondiscrimination policy, and they all support TESOL's strategic vision. Each COP is unique with its own structure and activities.
Interest Sections
Interest Sections (ISs) review current practice and research in areas of English language teaching and learning. ISs work on communications, member engagement, and leadership development. They also sponsor projects and engage in year-round outreach.
- Adult Education
- Applied Linguistics
- Bilingual-Multilingual Education
- Computer-Assisted Language Learning
- English as a Foreign Language
- English for Specific Purposes
- Higher Education
- Intercultural Communication
- International Teaching Assistants
- Materials Writers
- "Nonnative" English Speaker Teachers
- Pre-K–12
- Program Administration
- Reading and Vocabulary
- Refugee Concerns
- Second Language Writing
- Social Responsibility
- Speech, Pronunciation, and Listening
- Supporting Students with Disabilities
- Teacher Educator
Professional Learning Networks
Professional Learning Networks (PLNs) are informal, discussion groups that typically emerge in response to specific and timely issues. They are structured by TESOL members, and they form and dissolve as needed.
- Arts and Creativity
- Assessment Issues
- Black English Language Professionals & Friends
- Career Path Development
- Extensive Reading USA
- Faith in English Language Teaching
- Global Education
Bring a Community Together
How to Start a New Community of Practice
To start a new Community of Practice (COP), please read the COP Policy Statement and the COP Procedures Manual and then complete the corresponding form below.
- Interest Section Preproposal Letter of Interest Form
- Professional Learning Network (PLN) Application Form
If you have any questions about TESOL's Communities of Practice, please contact us.